Monday, January 17, 2005

Prototype 7E7 Fuselage Section Proves It Can Be Built

Prototype 7E7 fuselage section shows it can be built, but not how quickly

Aviation Week & Space Technology 01/17/05
author: Michael A. Dornheim
author: Michael Mecham

From Dream to Hardware

Starting with one of the more complex parts, Boeing has completed the first full-scale prototype of a one-piece composite fuselage section for the 7E7 using methods intended for economical aviation manufacturing.

"The question is not technical viability, but how to manufacture it at commercial cost," says Boeing vice president Walter B. Gillette, who heads engineering, manufacturing and partner alignment for Boeing.

The 7E7 "Dreamliner" is set to make its first flight in 2007 and it is important that the process--never before used on a jet airliner--produce good thin-shelled structures. While not saying the prototype was perfect, Gillette says it "met all expectations and is very high-quality."


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