Tuesday, February 22, 2005

New Robots Approach More Humanlike Gaits

February 18, 2005
Science News

Scientists have developed three new robots that walk a lot like humans do. The androids, unveiled yesterday at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C., are extremely efficient, using about the same amount of energy as a person out for a stroll does.


In order to allow them to move across flat landscapes, the scientists inserted motors that could supply power in lieu of gravity. As a result, the Cornell robot consumes about as much energy per unit weight and distance as a human does. In contrast, Honda's well-known Asimo robot requires about 10 times as much energy as a walking person.
We are getting better at building robots by leaps and bounds. We are also getting better with learning and adaptive algorithms. I wonder sometimes what this will mean for our future. I'm curious if anybody has thought this through, and has a plan for the future. Right now we are learning, about mechanical motion - robot and human, but what will happen once we understand what we needed to learn?


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