Friday, September 16, 2005

Negroponte Strips Intel Satellite Work From Boeing

Negroponte Strips Intel Satellite Work From Boeing
Aviation Week & Space Technology 09/16/05
author: Amy Butler

Boeing is expected to lose its multi-billion-dollar contract to develop secret imaging satellites owing to ballooning costs and schedule slips, and U.S. National Intelligence Director John Negroponte will likely hand the work to rival Lockheed Martin.
Ever wonder what happens to the engineers on programs that get killed or re-assigned? It happens relatively often really. Engineering work in the defense industry is full of ups and downs - contracts being issued and killed. The U.S. government is a fickle customer. It doesn't make for very stable employment. I doubt too many congressmen think of that when they move money around like it is monopoly money.

Edited: Visual Corrections

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