Thursday, June 15, 2006

Lockheed to Blame Again for Spacecraft Crash!

Lockheed seems to have been the cause of another crash. Well I say another, but this crash happened a little while back. The one that was returning outspace dust, but ended up crashing into the desert. Lockheed also had some trouble with units a little while back on a Martian spacecraft. Don't even get me started on engineers who don't keep track of their units - uuuuuugggggghhhh! For all you young engineers out there, never deliver a number without its corresponding units - NEVER!
Lockheed blamed for crash
The Genesis lander, which collected solar wind particles, failed to deploy its parachute because a faulty sensor was installed, NASA says
Denver Post 06/14/2006
Author: Kelly Yamanouchi
Copyright 2006 The Denver Post. All rights reserved.
A NASA investigation board said the crash of its Genesis lander in September 2004 was the result of deficiencies in prelaunch processes that led to faulty switch design.

The spacecraft traveled for three years to bring back solar-wind particles so that scientists could study the solar system's birth and development. The Genesis return capsule crashed into the Utah desert.

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