- Journalist Says it is OK for US to fail in IRAQ "Moral degeneracy, indeed. You hate to think that any American journalist could feel this way, but we've had other admissions of this sort in the past. To explain things in words of few syllables: It's wrong to root for your country's defeat. Especially when that defeat would mean the death of innocents. And surely it's worse still when it's merely for domestic political advantage.
Isn't it?"
This is pretty disgusting if you ask me. Why would anyone root for failure? Do you not think the effects of the US loosing in Iraq would not have more of an impact than just causing harm to Pres. Bush? Think of the people involved - US soldiers, US citizens, & Iraq citizens. People die in a war, this is true, but to wish that more would die for political gain is very sick.
The ends do not justify the means in most cases. If you loose yourself along the way you have gained little, and now are lost...
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