Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Intel: Not-So-Secret Agent of Disruption

By Dave Mock
January 14, 2005

In 2002, Intel came out in strong support of Wi-Fi wireless technology, committing hundreds of millions of dollars to not only market it, but also to integrate Wi-Fi chips into its product lines. The result so far has been the successful Centrino product line, which lets users of Centrino-powered laptops connect to Wi-Fi networks that are within 300 feet of their locale.
Intel is apparently getting further into the wireless promotion business. I suspect it will be good for their business of selling chipsets with integrated wireless.

Wireless will be good for the users out there too. Cheaper installation/maintenance costs, and wider coverage areas will allow many more users of broadband access to the internet. Upgrade costs will be drastically reduced as well. With a wireless network, just replace one box, versus all those wires and home installations.


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