Thursday, February 03, 2005

Boeing Laser JDAM Scores Direct Hit

ST. LOUIS, February 3, 2005 - Boeing (NYSE: BA) successfully conducted a guided flight test of the Boeing laser-guided Joint Direct Attack Munition at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.

A U.S. Air Force F-16 launched the 500-pound GBU-38 weapon from 25,000 feet and approximately six miles from its target. The weapon detected the target, illuminated by a ground-based laser, and scored a direct hit within five feet of the designated aimpoint. The flight test occurred on January 20.

“The beauty of Laser JDAM is that it provides a highly affordable, highly desirable capability that can be installed on existing JDAMs without having to modify the aircraft’s software,” said Rick Heerdt, Boeing JDAM program manager. “When you consider that JDAM is operational on virtually every U.S. Air Force and Navy aircraft, including bombers, Laser-JDAM will be a huge benefit to the military and Boeing.”

The laser-guided JDAM combines the combat proven GPS/INS adverse weather feature of standard JDAM with the clear-weather targeting laser-guided bombs offer. Testing of the system will continue throughout upcoming months against both fixed and moving targets.


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