Thursday, August 04, 2005

NYT: Pentagon's New Goal: Put Science Into Scripts

Pentagon's New Goal: Put Science Into Scripts
New York Times 08/04/05
author: David M. Halbfinger
c. 2005 New York Times Company

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 3 - Tucked away in the Hollywood hills, an elite group of scientists from across the country and from a grab bag of disciplines - rocket science, nanotechnology, genetics, even veterinary medicine - has gathered this week to plot a solution to what officials call one of the nation's most vexing long-term national security problems.

Their work is being financed by the Air Force and the Army, but the Manhattan Project it ain't: the 15 scientists are being taught how to write and sell screenplays.
How do you make an engineer look sexy? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as the engineers! It could work...



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