Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Apollo Upgrade - AW&ST

Apollo Upgrade
Northrop Grumman/Boeing team sees cost as big factor in upcoming CEV

Aviation Week & Space Technology 10/17/05
author: Frank Morring, Jr.

Striking the right level of technology sophistication to hold down costs will factor highly in the upcoming competition to replace NASA's space shuttle fleet. The agency has already described in some detail the "Apollo-on-steroids" approach it wants to take.
I'm sure Boeing and Northrup would love to win this one. The engineering will be exciting to say the least, and I'm sure the business will be good too. It is always good to build spaceships. High technology and the government picks up the tab. I suspect the midnight oil will be burnt in the proposal war-rooms over this one. I wouldn't mind working on this one myself.

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